Come Worship at St. Michael Lutheran Church
Worship Times
August - May Sunday Schedule
8:30 AM – Holy Communion Service
9:45 AM– Sunday School/Adult Ed.
11:00 – Holy Communion Service
June & July Sunday Schedule
10:00 AM - Worship with Holy Communion
Worship Style
Sunday Worship
Sunday worship is at the heart of who we are at St. Michael. It is a weekly opportunity to experience God's grace as we gather together around God's Table for Holy Communion. We hear God's Word in Scripture, preaching and in song, and we are sent back into our week to serve Christ everywhere we go.
Weekly worship is liturgical (with roots back to the earliest Christian communities!) and sacramental (God's Word and our material world nourish us in body and in spirit), centered in the Word of God. Each week our Scripture readings come from the Revised Common Lectionary (which means we hear God's Word alongside Christians across the world!). Music throughout worship is a tremendous gift as it centers us in God's Word each week.
Liturgical Calendar
We believe that the Christian life has seasons, much like the seasons of the earth. As such, we pattern our worship with the Liturgical Calendar, celebrating several festival services and changing the sounds and colors of worship to match the seasons.
Here are just a few of our special worship opportunities:
- On Christmas Eve, we offer a worship service for families and children, and a festival service with Holy Communion. Both include candle lighting.
- Easter Day we offer two identical festival services with Holy Communion at 8:30 am and 11:00 am.
- On Pentecost Day we celebrate the birthday of the Church through the gift of God’s Holy Spirit.
Children's Sermon
Children at Sunday Worship
Lutheran worship utilizes all of our senses: sight, sound, touch, taste, smell, and thus is suited for younger children. An interactive children’s sermon is part of each Sunday service. Children of all ages are welcome at each service. In addition, a well staffed nursery is provided every Sunday morning for our littlest Lutherans.